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AgriFood Lithuania

Digital Innovation Hub

About AFL

AgriFood Lithuania is a Digital Innovation Hub and Cluster that brings together major research, business and public stakeholders in Lithuania for the common pursuit of digital transformations in the agriculture, food and associated sectors. The AgriFood Lithuania links stakeholders with international and cross-sector initiatives to provide all-round support in the research, development and deployment of AgriFood Tech innovations. AgriFood Lithuania is a member of the Lithuanian clusters network (KlasterLT), the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, European Clusters Alliance, Smart Sensors 4 AgriFood. Together with a consortium of partners under the “ESIC.LT” initiative has been confirmed as a European Digital Innovation Hub in Lithuania. From 2021 March AgriFood Lithuania DIH is EIT Food Hub in Lithuania. With Cluster mapping, you can discover a wide range of partners within the EU or worldwide from different countries, regions, sectors, or industrial ecosystems.


AFL will contribute in the different tasks in different Work Packages:

WP2: Data Collection, Processing and Modelling

AFL participates in task T2.4: Crowdsourcing (citizen science). Smartphone application (PESSL) to be used for the crowdsourcing data collection from the UCP fields with relevant crops. The app will be an adaptation of the existing crowdsourcing app by PESSL which will be modified to include and be able to recognize the STELLA selected pests and enhanced with the latest developments in crowdsourcing technology. The app will be compatible with both iOS and Android devices. leveraging their GPS positioning capabilities to understand the spatial distribution of the symptoms and their expansion, with the aim of allowing the stakeholder to capture and upload images of healthy and damaged plants to the STELLA platform (WP3) for further processing (e.g., pest detection).

WP3: STELLA Platform

T3.5: Platform Evaluation and Exploitation (Lead: ACTA; Participants: IFV, ILVO, RFF, AUA-SF, AFL, GSC, LAL; M18 – M48): This task involves a comprehensive evaluation of the STELLA PSS platform in three phases -prototype, alpha, and final beta- corresponding to the platform’s three release stages.

WP4: Use Case Pilots (UCPs)

AFL will be in all the tasks and will support the implementation of the STELLA PSS in a collaborative environment that engages scientists, agronomists, farmers, phytosanitary operators, foresters and policy makers in six (6) real-life UCPs in Greece, Italy, Lithuania, France and New Zealand. Specific objectives are to: 1) Establish a framework for demonstrating the STELLA PSS and; 2) Conduct demonstrations of the STELLA PSS in the UCPs and collect qualitative and quantitative feedback data for evaluation and validation.

Also AFL will do companies input in WP1, WP5 and WP6.


Mr. Mindaugas Brazdžius
